Media Training
How do you connect, engage and build?
Media Essentials
Media Essentials is a one-day media training course from MCC which has been described as ‘taking media training to a new level’, ‘second to none’, ‘exciting’ ‘very informative’, “A very enjoyable day”.
It is not just a social media course….. it is much more. Media Essentials doesn’t teach it for the sake of it. It has been developed to make a difference.
Before you do anything … please read the testimonials
Hear what folks have said and we trust it will help you decide if Media Essentials is for you.
Media Training in Northern Ireland
“Our aim is to present a high value media training day in Northern Ireland for businesses or organisations who want to get more out of the Internet. It doesn’t matter if you know a little or a lot, this course will have something for you.”
Dr Philip PhD – course designer and facilitator
Needed – Relevant – Useful
Online competition threatens our businesses and organisations in today’s digital world. We NEED to have a better understanding of how to use the Internet and Social Media along with other media tools to help grow and develop our products and services.
Media Essentials helps us understand and grasp how RELEVANT it is for the Internet, Design and Print and Events to all work together. This course looks at the breadth of media available to us and how we can make it work in an organised and professional manner.
Media Essentials is more than simply saying you need a social network account and you are sorted. It is not about risking huge spends on websites or technologies and hoping for the best. We have “distilled” what is USEFUL and makes a difference.
There has never been a more exciting time and opportunity to reach a larger audience.
The Media Essentials training day:
Begins at 11am and finishes at 4:30pm
Lunch is from 1pm to 2pm
Tea, coffee and biscuits are “On Tap” throughout the day
Caters to groups of between 2 and 6
Is made up of 4 sessions
– Media Essentials – Opening our eyes
– Working with the Media Essentials – What Works For You?
– Share The Conversation – Connect | Engage | Build
– Build a Campaign – Work Smarter
Does your business or organisation need to get to grips with getting its message out there? To find out more about Media Essentials please feel free to lift the phone or pop in to MCC and ask for Philip or Gordon.
Media Essentials – Media Training Northern Ireland
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Dr Philip PhD / Vision
Sylvia / Technical
Gordon / Operations
Sylvia / Technical
Gordon / Operations
MCC Computers Ltd
Unit 17 Ballymena Business Centre
62 Fenaghy Road
Co Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT42 1FL
Unit 17 Ballymena Business Centre
62 Fenaghy Road
Co Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT42 1FL
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